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You can change the direction of your life in any moment you choose

Hello and welcome back! I am excited to share this journey with you and help you to realise how amazing you truly are.

Every moment in your life you have a choice to help create the world you are living in and setting the scene for your future. This may upset some people to hear as we as humans often like to blame other people and situations for our current issues. There are certain things that are beyond our control. Examples include the increasing cost of living, the high inflation, and regular interest rate rises. However with each challenge presented you have much more power than you realise.

You have a choice as to how to react to everything that occurs in your life. You can choose whether to see a situation as negative and dwell on it. By doing so remember you are now helping to add to those negative energies and as a result co-create that negative future. Alternatively you can give thanks to the universe that you are in a position to cope with these challenges and place your thoughts on a positive outcome. Spend time visualising the world as you would like it to be. If you are not in a position to cope for example with the financial challenges at that time, then give your focus and energy to seeing and knowing everything will work out. You may not know how but this positive thinking will serve you much better than allowing the negative to take over.

Sometimes what seems to be a negative in your life can turn out to be a positive. Losing your job may seem to be devastating. Many in this situation will now be filled with fear about their rent or mortgage, how to pay for the bills and feed the family. I understand the fear but this emotion and worry again only helps to create further angst to your life. Remember the universe works in mysterious ways and often as we reflect back on our life, we see that as one door closed, another door opened that brought about a much better situation. The universe truly does try to guide us if only we could trust and know that everything will work out.

In every single moment you have the amazing power to change the path of your life. Spend time focusing on the positive and feed it lovingly every day. This can be done for every area of your life, your work, your home, your health, and your relationships. If you are honest with yourself, how much time each day do you get caught up in negative thoughts and how much do you give to the positive? It can be challenging to look at this aspect within ourselves and accept that we may not actually have been doing too much to help create the positive life we had hoped for.

The beautiful part is that you can change that now in this very moment. Whenever you are ready to make that change, the universe is there ready and waiting to assist. For the next few weeks you can test this out for yourself. Spend time focusing on any and every positive you can. Do not feed the negatives by dwelling on them. Visualise a life filled with love. Inner joy and abundance. Trust that the universe has got your back.

You are powerful, you are amazing, and this life is such a gift. Yes, we have challenges, but this is part of our growth and learning experience. The more you awaken to your true power the better your life will become. You will also go on to inspire others who want to join this positive path and together we co-create a better world for all.

I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.


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