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What is the great Awakening?

Hello and welcome back. I hope this post finds you well as always.

I have mentioned before that we are in a great awakening across the Earth. What does this mean though and how do we get there?  The awakening process sees us move from a material-based ego world to one that is lived in from a space of love and learning the power each of us has within us. We live our life connecting to the Creator source/ Universal source. By living in this space, we take responsibility for our life path and become the creator of our world. We no longer place blame outside of ourselves nor live in a space of fear.

To take responsibility we start to realise that the emotions and thoughts that arise are energy forms and that we are not that energy form. We can then become the witness to these energy forms. You become aware of the presence of these energies rather than allowing them to take you over. Focus on each moment as it is rather than giving time and energy to the past or the future. The past cannot be changed and while we can make plans for the future it is important to let go of worrying about what may or may not happen. This is wasted and futile energy.


The more you live in the present moment and become aware of your emotions and thoughts, the easier it becomes to let go of those negative energies and start to break free of the hold the ego likes to have. As the ego drops away and we become aware of energies rather than becoming them, the more your life will begin to flow in peace, balance and harmony.  

Your heart centre is your connection to Creator Source. Be present, focus your attention on your heart centre and feel the love and light of Universal source flow through you. This is a wonderful way to connect to all that is love and light.  

We have all chosen to be here at this point in time for a reason and that is to awaken and create a shift energetically across the world. To shift our focus from ego driven greed and material gain which has created a major wealth gap across our society with the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest people owning and controlling more wealth than 95% of the worlds population and reconnect back to spirituality and love. As we make this shift and live in this positive space of love, know that you will be abundantly provided for and draw to you everything you need.

As more awaken and make this change the more we will see the old systems of greed and control crumble and the wealth be redistributed as we move into a Golden age of love and light.

You are powerful, you are a creator, you are connected to Universal source.

If you have any questions or topics you would like me to write about please email me.

I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.


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