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  • michellefleming1

Welcome, an amazing journey lies ahead

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

Hello and welcome to my very first blog on this website. My name is Michelle Fleming and I work with energy from the divine source to help in healing humans, animals, and Mother Earth.

I want to assist to create a better world and help people to realise their true power. We have all chosen to be here at this critical point in time where it may feel like there has been many challenges, chaos and darkness over the past few years. I want you to know that we all have the ability to create and manifest so much positivity in our lives. If we can remain centred and come from a place of love we can achieve anything we desire.

I hope you will join me on this journey and I look forward to walking you through some insights into how to live without fear and create the beautiful world you were born to live.

I know that time is precious and I will aim to keep each blog short, to the point and always encouraging you to realise the amazing power you hold. No matter how dark things may appear there is always light and you hold the light within that can be ignited to manifest the most amazing world for not only yourself but everyone you come in contact with.

A very important thing to take away from today is the power of your thoughts. Every thought is energy and what you think is what you create. Our thoughts go out into the universe and the universe always delivers. If you think times are tough they will stay tough. If you can have gratitude for all the gifts in your life, be that as simple as thanking the universe that you are alive to live another day then more blessings will come your way. You are an amazing creator. It is time to take your power back and create your world.

I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.


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