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The importance of taking time out for yourself


Hello and welcome back. I hope this post finds you well. As we head into the last few weeks before Christmas many people are feeling tired and ready for a much needed break. It can often be a very hectic time of year with many workplaces under more pressure than normal and often much to do to outside of the workplace to prepare for Christmas celebrations.


During this time it is important to maintain balance between work, family and time for yourself. Our body lets us know that it feels tired and weary and in need of rest. Please listen to your body and make a plan to allow some rest between what may feel overwhelming to get done.


Just 5 or 10 minutes outside enjoying nature will help to recharge your body, mind and soul. Listen to relaxing music in the evenings instead of watching the news or Netflix. Breathe deeply and be aware of your thoughts. Our mind can easily take us on a negative journey. When you notice this happening, you can choose to change your mind and replace it with positive thoughts instead. This is part of the power that you hold as the creator of your life.


No matter what is going on in your world this life is a gift. There is much to appreciate about this amazing experience. Sometimes we just need to step back, take some time out and appreciate the simple things.  You have only to step outside and see the sun, a flower or a bird and just be with it and appreciate it for the glory that it is. This is particularly important to help us maintain balance in our life when we feel we are running low on energy.


Like many people I am also very much looking forward to a break from the work week which can be exhausting in itself, but also time away for the often chaotic world we are presented with. Please join me if you choose over the coming weeks and let’s make time to care for ourselves. By giving this time to ourselves each day it helps to recharge our energy and in turn we can then help others as well.


I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.




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