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The importance of Sunshine


Hello and welcome back. As always, I am so grateful to all of you who are on this journey with me as we learn and grow together.

While we are challenged by harmful chemicals in our food, air, water and many day-to-day products that we use, there are plenty of things we can do to help our bodies stay as healthy as possible. I have mentioned grounding/earthing on numerous occasions. Today I would like to highlight the importance of sunshine.  

Just 15 to 20 minutes each day in the sun has been shown to elevate a person’s mood as it boosts your level of serotonin, a chemical that elevates your mood and also helps you stay calm and focused.

Sunlight will help you to sleep better as it lets your body know when to increase and decrease melatonin levels which is critical to a good night sleep. Melatonin is also known to reduce stress levels.

Our bodies also produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight which is critical in maintaining calcium levels for strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D is also critical for your immune system and with consistent exposure it can help to strengthen it.

An important note that I would like to add that many people may not be aware of is that while outside enjoying the sunshine I would recommend doing so without wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses are for occasions where it is difficult to see, for example when the light is affecting your ability to drive.

Outside of this, if you are wearing sunglasses, your eyes will think it is darker than it is, so you end you filtering out certain rays of the sun so that the pineal glad which receives the light and activates skin protection does not know to take action.

The UV light needs to come in to produce a hormone in the brain that is responsible for the melatonin production in your skin. This is where your skin protection occurs. If you are not producing that your skin becomes susceptible to damage from sunlight.

The light is needed as all cells communicate and also help the cells to grow and reproduce.

My suggestion over the next few weeks is to try and enjoy even just 10 to 15 minutes each day in the sunshine, weather permitting. Visualise the sun cleansing your aura, lifting your mood, revitalising and strengthening your body. As an added bonus you can ground at the same and recharge your body. Keep a diary of any positive changes that you notice.

I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.


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