Hello and welcome back! I hope this post find you well on this incredible journey.
It is important at this point in time where there may seem to be much chaos happening around the world, where many are challenged financially with the increased cost of living and sadly more become homeless, where our basic human right to freedom of speech is not only threatened but now controlled, that we do not allow ourselves to be drawn into that energy, but to rise above it.
This truly is a time where we as co-creators with the universe can make a difference to the present moment and future, not only for yourself and your family, but your community and all of humanity. If a person chooses to allow the negativity happening around them and to them to consume them (please remember we did choose to come here to learn and experience lessons as well so challenges will arise), then that person is only adding to the continuation and growth of fear and negativity not only for themselves, but to all those around them. Please know that I am not saying you cannot talk about challenges and seek help, what I am advising is that focusing all your energy on the negative will not result in a positive outcome. What you put out energetically you get back.
However, this is where you are powerful, and you can truly make a difference. By placing your focus, your words, your thoughts, in other words your energy, on anything and everything positive, by visualising the world as a place of peace, balance and harmony, you contribute to the consciousness of the whole. As everything is energy and we are all connected, this positive energy that you choose to give your focus to goes on to affect all of those around you. You have only to affect one person in a positive way and they may go onto affect ten and then so on. The number does not matter. What does matter is that together we are collectively helping more and more people and in turn we shift the energy on Earth. There has been to much negativity and darkness, and it is time to shine our light and turn things around.
We have the power of God, the Universal Source, the Creator, whatever name is comfortable for you, within us. Many have lost that connection and have allowed fear to control our lives. Our light will help others to rediscover the powers they were born with.
For the next few weeks, I would suggest starting with yourself. This is as simple as being kind to yourself with your words and thoughts. Visualise challenges disappearing and give gratitude and thanks to any positive that occurs in your life. This could be as simple as giving thanks for the beautiful butterfly you just saw. The more positivity, gratitude and thanks you send out energetically the more the universe will give back.
By following this practice, you are already helping others around you without even realising. As your energy rises to a higher vibration it will affect others. I know I say it often, but you are so much more powerful than you realise. It is time to take back this gift you were born with and rise above any darkness. I truly believe that this is our purpose here at this point in time.
I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.