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How to get through challenging times

Hello and welcome back. I hope this post finds you well.

I believe that many people are experiencing challenging times in one way or another and that this is to help us on our path of individual and collective awakening. All of us here going through this chose to be here for this amazing experience.  Every challenge is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and to grow personally and spiritually. Others choose to stay in a downward spiral of negative thinking and emotions, continuing to attract negative situations and that is ok too as we all have free will in this life.

I wanted to give some guidance today on what can be done during those negative or challenging times. First of all, acknowledge the negativity that is within you. Thank it for turning up so that you may now release it. Feel the negativity and forgive it, forgive yourself and see it being sent back to the creator source for transmutation back to all that is love and light. Now visualise that part of you where the negativity has been removed and see it being filled up with divine love and light from the creator.

Now put your focus on anything and everything you can that you love or are grateful for. What you can control and have free will over is how you react, what energies you choose to send out to the universe, and in turn what energies and situations will now come back to you.


For negative situations you can visualise love being directed at the situation and resolving it. Remember however, everyone here has free will. This is why the main focus is on healing ourselves. As the light shines within us it will affect those around us who are ready. By helping ourselves we now help others to join us if they are ready and every day the light grows stronger.


For the next few weeks when negativity arises within you, please give the above suggestion a try and see if this makes a difference in your world.  You are so much more powerful than you have been taught.


I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.


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