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Angry, sad, overwhelmed….what do I do now?

Hello and welcome back. I am grateful to you all who are choosing to join me on this journey of self-discovery and how we can learn, grow and make our world a better place.

One of the many challenges we face is learning how to work through the negative emotions that arise. Life does throw us challenges and sometimes these challenges may bring about emotions such as anger, sadness or we may simply feel overwhelmed with everything going on. The question is what is the best way is to work through all of this.

Thankfully there are several things we can do. First of all please remember you are not your emotions. You are a spiritual being having a human experience and emotions are energy. Once the energy has formed it wants to be fed and become stronger. It will certainly look for ways to survive and grow.

You do not need to be taken over by the negative emotion. You have a choice as to whether you follow the path of this emotion that has stirred within you and let it consume you or you can become completely aware that this emotion has arisen, acknowledge it and change your path. Observe yourself when you react and are feeling this negativity. There is a higher presence and awareness there watching if you are present and paying attention. This may sound strange, but if you are truly present in the moment you can on a higher level witness yourself and how it is reacting to the situation.

In these times of high emotions it is always good if you can remove yourself from the situation rather than react straight away. Remember this emotional energy wants to live and grow. If you can withdraw from the situation that is ideal, and then focus your energy on seeing a positive outcome.

Please remember the ego also likes to step in. With our ego wanting to be in in charge we can easily feel offended or hurt by other people’s comments or actions towards us. In any situation it is important to work out if it is your ego that has been hurt or are you truly standing your ground for the benefit of everyone and the greater good.

If you are uncertain as to your motive, then look within and be really honest with yourself. Take time to meditate, be with nature, and ground yourself before allowing yourself to be taken over by negative energy. In actual fact these few simple steps will help remove the negativity.

It is often hard for us to distinguish whether we are just hurt on an egoic level, and it can be difficult for each of us to face. Please over the next few weeks if you encounter a negative emotion step back if you can. Send love and light to the situation and remember you have an army of angels that you can call on.

You are amazing, you are powerful. You are not your emotions, and you always have a choice.

I wish you much love and light and I look forward to the next post.


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