Hello and welcome back. I am as always grateful to those of you joining me on this journey. We are united in our goal of realising the importance of our own well-being, our state of mind and how the effort and time we give to bringing ourselves into a higher frequency, one aligned with love and light, will have an amazing flow on affect to lift the energy frequency of those around us.
I received a question about the noticeable increase of people with short fuses, people who seem easily angered, not only in our community, but across the world. I truly believe this is a time for us to turn inwards, that we are being called to reunite to the spiritual beings that we are. We all have free will and we can choose to follow the negative emotions that arise, or we can learn how to empower ourselves to rise above the emotion. To realise that we are not the emotion, but that it just an energy that has been created and hopes to live with you as a welcoming host.
Once you understand this power that you have over your emotions and are given the tools to work through and release these negative energies then you will in turn uplift those around you. Please be aware of course that there are some people that carry much darkness and negativity that will be repelled by your love and light. From experience if you can maintain the spiritual spark within you, those that want to remain in a dark, negative or dramatic space will want to leave. You are not feeding their negative energy spiral and that is ok for they are on their own spiritual journey as well, whether they realise it or not.
I believe the increase in anger arising is connected to a major spiritual awakening happening across the planet. Many people have become very materialistic, egoic, greedy and lost the connection to their soul, to all that is divine. We are being challenged to wake up and reconnect to our true self, our divine power, the gifts that we were born with, but these gifts have become dormant for many.
For the next few weeks, I suggest remaining present in the moment, pay attention to your emotions and reactions. When you realise a negative emotion has a hold of you then this is the perfect opportunity to release that energy if you choose. It can be as simple as stating “Thank you for showing up so that I may release you. I forgive myself; I forgive you and I release you back to the Universal Source for transmutation”. It helps to visualise the energy leaving your being, take a deep breath in and out and then see yourself surrounded by a beautiful white or golden light. Feel the calm, peace and love fill your being and wash over you.
I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.